
Kings of game of thrones
Kings of game of thrones

Women, men and children have suffered too long beneath the wheel. We will not lay down our spears until we have liberated all the people of the world! From Winterfell to Dorne, from Lannisport to Qarth, from the Summer Isles to the Jade sea. You have freed the people of King’s Landing from the grip of a tyrant. “Unsullied, all of you were torn from your mother’s arms and raised as slaves. You gave me the Seven Kingdoms,” she tells them, speaking in High Valyrian. You killed my enemies in their iron suits. He eventually reaches the Red Keep and watches as Daenerys speaks before her gathered forces, ash falling down on the ruins of King’s Landing as she sketches out her vision of the future. The opening acts of the series finale involve Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) literally sorting through the rubble of the disaster, discovering the dead bodies of his siblings. Indeed, many of those who believed in Daenerys throughout the series were deeply unsatisfied with the way she waged war over King’s Landing. At last, we have an answer - and it certainly won’t satisfy everyone. Would the Game of Thrones series finale restore any faith in the Mother of Dragons? That was the big question coming out of “The Bells” and heading into the last remaining hour of the series, written and directed by creators David Benioff and Dan Weiss. Tragically, much of the audience shared Dany’s same faith the fall of King’s Landing was their cruel reward. His solemn response at the time: “You’ll be ruling over a graveyard if we don’t defeat the Night King.” As it eventually turned out, even after the Night King’s defeat, Daenerys was fated to rule over a graveyard anyway. I was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms, and I will.”Īn impressive speech, to be sure - but Jon Snow never impressed easily. The Dothraki hadn’t crossed the sea - any sea - and they did for me. The world hadn’t seen a dragon in centuries until my children were born.

kings of game of thrones kings of game of thrones

Do you know what kept me standing through all those years in exile? Faith. I have been chained and betrayed, raped and defiled. Robert was your father’s best friend, no? I wonder if your father knew his best friend sent assassins to murder a baby girl in her crib. We fled before Robert’s assassins could find us.

kings of game of thrones

“I was born at Dragonstone, not that I can remember it.

Kings of game of thrones