Two-handed sneak damage multiplier increased to x3.Dagger sneak damage multiplier increased to 圆.

New gameplay options such as slowing time after dagger sneak attacks, instantly killing sleeping targets, crafting utility arrows.Allows for sneak attack with destruction spells.Two perks for spellblades (empty hand/spell and a one-handed weapon).Sub-tree for unarmed combat, which requires the unarmed 'weapon' that the Dragonborn receives at the beginning of a new game.Greater variety in weaponry by adding katanas, tantos, scimitars, clubs, wakizashis, shortswords, shortspears, hatchets, mauls and longswords, on top of the vanilla mace, war axe and sword (now broadsword).Removal of generic perks that apply to all one-handed weapons.Survivalism Module: edits the survivalism tree so it becomes more compatible with Chesko's Frostfall.Encounter Zones: edits the difficulty of the encounter zones, so there are more difficult ones and less difficult ones.