you can even set up a green screen for your character! While the last thing tends to crash my FFXIV, it doesn’t crash others, you just have to try it. There are things like adaptive fog, shadowing, bloom & lens flares…. You can adjust sliders very similar to Photoshop effects such as color balance, brightness/contrast, and there is a very nice Depth of Field option. What is Reshade? Well, I don’t know the technicalities of how it works but it is a 3rd party program that actively changes the way your game looks.

I can’t stress enough how much it can change your game, and how much more pleasing to the eye it is. Firstly, I recommend you install Reshade. There is much I didn’t include simply because it was getting so long this way, I can just add stuff when I think of it! Awesome! I’ve made a rather large image tutorial and decided that I wanted to add more elements and be able to edit it.